9430458375  |  9931668537
      9939256636  |  9304409389
      9040500081  |  9386743393
9430458375  |  9931668537  |  9939256636  |  9304409389  |  9040500081  |  9386743393

The school has a core team which plans for yearly school schedules like: Schedules of school timing & calender, visiting hours, examination date & program, weekly & term tests and others.
The school has a core team which plans for yearly school schedules like: Schedules of school timing & calender, visiting hours, examination date & program, weekly & term tests and others.

managements school schedules lyceum international academy cbse muzaffarpur bihar india

  • School Timing & Calendar

    Academic session:

    1. For (Std.-01) to (Std.-10) : 1yr. (April to March)
    2. Visiting hours:
      1. Director: On all working days from - 08:00 am To 10:00 am
      2. Principal: On all working days from - 08:00 am To 09:00 am & 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm
    3. School Timing:
      1. Std. I/Group E: 09:15 am To 01:20 pm
      2. Group 'D'/Std. II onwards: 09:15 am To 03:00 pm

  • Date & program for examinations:

    Weekly, Term Test and List of the holidys of the whole year will be given at the time of admission along with class diary.
    EStd. I
    DStd. II
    CStd. III
    BStd. IV
    AStd. V and so on VI, VIII, VIII

  • Academic programme:

    Class from Std.-01 to Std.-10

    1. The medium of instruction is English with Hindi as a compulsory subject.
    2. The curriculum is based on that prescribed by Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E.), New Delhi.
    3. Viewing competetive examinations the institute has framed up a session of only four months so that the students ca do more practice in their course materials.
    4. The student will get promotion to the next group/class/Std. after every six months. (Only those students will be promoted whose score minimum 60% in their session ending Test Exam.)

  • Academic Calendar 2021-22

    academic calendar 2021-22lyceum international academy cbse muzaffarpur bihar india